Discover hardware errors, collect hidden cheats and beat the impossible odds!

Made for Game Off 2024 jam, theme "Secrets", bonus cards "Limited palette", "Cheat codes" and "Speedrun".

Production time: 6 days.

Hints and spoilers (number denotes chronological order):

Unfortunately some of the content didn't make it in because of time limitations (I started very late), that's why some of the rooms are empty. 

Known bugs:

- Sometimes camera gets stuck in the wrong area (you can solve this by moving character back to where the camera is)

- Tutorial says "Press G for dash", but you don't get dash until later in game.

- Some text is misaligned.

- On web build, music doesn't loop properly (shouldn't be noticeable, it still loops but from the wrong position)


FleetingRift.exe 97 MB

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